Saturday, 29 March 2014

Bop, Bop, Bopping Along! 

Hi Boppers!

So today is THE day, we have just filmed one of our TWO, that's right, TWO videos and Jess is currently in the editing process before we start on our challenge video!

Little hint for the upcoming video, it involves American food and some opinionated.. uh... opinions! Some were good, some were bad and we are mostly just embarrassing.

We've been having some really good suggestions for our next videos and we have been so pleased with the responses we've been getting but we still want your opinion! :D

Soon we will be doing some more sketch based comedy with skits based on popular tv shows and some brand new, original ideas coming your way! Feel free to check them out on our YouTube, leaving your comments and not forgetting to hit those subscribe and like buttons (please :3)

Hopefully you have been enjoying the experience and we hope to be hearing from you and making some more videos!

Bopstick xx

1 comment:

  1. A 'Would you rather video' would be funny! :DDDDDDDDDD
